Tuesday, April 28, 2009

the difference

My relationship with one of my friends has been sinking. Sometimes it might look hopeful, but overall it is going down.

I have been wondering why I feel so frustrated with her but not the other friend. Then I browsed through my older posts and found the reason.

When I wrote about her in my blog, I mainly talked about how much I appreciated what she had done for me. While in another entry, I talked about how I appreciated the other friend for who she is.


So it was bothering me because this friendship had never been a healthy one. When she couldn't offer me what she used to give, I was doomed to have frustrations and disappointment.

In another word, I didn't love her as God has loved me.

I still need to figure out what I could do to fix this situation. I also need to pray that God moves her heart too. But this is a good start.

Monday, April 13, 2009

another first

I weeped during the Good Friday service. It was the first time that I cried at church. And I was sitting inbetween my two non-Christian friends I brought there that night. I was fighting it, but eventually let it go.

Oh well.