Wednesday, December 06, 2006

fight the battles

Tonight I went to the community meeting because Brian was going to lead the small group. The theme was the battle-fighting scenes in "the Chronicles of Narnia".

Several people gave very good examples of how they defended Christianity and Jesus against the accusation or misunderstanding or mock from others. However, in our lives, the spiritual battles are happening everyday, on a more silent and less detectable level.

To me, I have to battle with my own weakness and with the lies that the devil tries to put into my head. And my motivation was simply that I don't want to risk the possibility of being separated away from God for eternity.

Like what I just wrote in "looking back" entry, there was this time right after I came back from Memphis when I approached the breaking point. I was miserable, feeling depressed and worthless. The good thing was that I was quite aware of the battle happening inside me and I knew I must hold on to God's words.

Although I know I am much stronger now, this is not the happy ending. I must be prepared, because the enemy will not give up either. The next round attack would be more severe, but the awards would be larger too.

Or sometimes the battle simply means that you need to stand firm, like what Brian is doing. It is not easy to be a Christian in an academic atmosphere. People would look for chance to prove Christians are stupid or pathetic people who have to live on their imaginery God. So admitting being a Christian, living on God's words and accomplishing good work need as much effort as fighting other battles.

By doing all these, Brian has given an example of a real Christian life. He breaks the stereotype of Christians in people's mind. Everyone including the non-christians respects him for that. Consequently, everyone has a new perspective of Christianity and probably more respect for other Christians. He surely won this battle.


Blogger Elbow said...

Thanks...some battles are won and some are lost, but the war continues on. The devil has lost and now he tries to cause as many casualities in the war as possible.

3:24 AM  

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