Sunday, December 02, 2007


Last Friday night Jinli and I went to the Chinese church. They prepared dinner, then a choir performed, followed by a talk about the true meaning of Christmas.

Everything was fine, except that before dinner a guy handed out some pamphets. One of them was titled "what are the advantages of believing in God". Instantly I had this sick feeling in my stomache.

I know they do that out of good intention, but I hate it when they try to drag others into church by this kind of advertisement. Maybe they will succeed at first. But what about later? What will happen when people find out the promises in that little pamphlet are only false promises? Why can't we just tell the plain truth?

Jesus said, "he who has ears to hear, let him hear". So be it.


Blogger belbing said...

I too hate sugar coating the truth...if you believe it than it can stand on its own.

1:45 PM  

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