Sunday, March 23, 2008


Severl people from CC were going to get baptized at the local Chinese church on Easter Sunday. So this morning I went there to witness that event.

As I expected, the songs and messages didn't speak to me. However, one guy among the people to be baptized today was someone. I never had much conversation with him. In my memory, he was aggressive, and a little bit loud.

It is a strange feeling to see him there. I was curious of what happened and hoping he would give the testimony. And he did. When he was talking on the stage, I was saying "I know, I know" in my heart. Similar time. Similar struggles. Similar emotions. He had more severe depression than I did. Sitting there with tears in my eyes, I felt enormous love towards him.

Yes, we paid a little for our pride. Back then, we didn't know that Christ paid a much bigger price for our sins.

And again I was amazed by God. He collected us one by one like a sheperd looking for his lost sheep. And he knows us so intimately that no one else can bring us the same sort of comfort. And no one else has the power to save us from the brokenness of this world.

Thank you father for sacrifizing your only son so that we can be born again.


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